Things That Happened On ‘Friends’ That Would Never, Ever, EVER Happen In Real Life

I’ll admit it, I’m a ‘Friends’ re-run watcher. Since the Comedy Network in the UK is actually just a ‘Friends” re-run channel, (literally all they ever play is ‘Friends’. All day, every day.) the show is on a lot, and has become our default show if nothing else is on. Often though while we’re watching episode after episode of this show, normally during the worst of our weekend hangovers, we find ourselves saying “Oh like that would EVER happen in real life!”. I know it’s a fictional television program, but I decided anyways to make a list of some of the most ridiculous happenings on this show that would never, EVER happen in real life.

1) Being able to always leave the office to go home for lunch, for a coffee at your regular hangout with your pals, or to speak to your wife about moving to Tulsa. I’m referring specifically to episode 2 season 9. Chandler falls asleep in a meeting and agrees to relocate to Tulsa by accident. Instead of calling his wife on the phone like any normal human being, he somehow has time to leave the office, speak to her for five minutes, and then go back to work, to which he then again leaves to speak to Monica again. Sure he may have been on his lunch break, but no one would EVER do this. Surely he can wait until he’s finished work if it needed to be done in person. This would never happen.

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